Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Genesis shows slight similarities to The World on the Turtle's Back.

Both females fall from their heavenly places (Eve from the garden and the woman from the Skyworld) to a place where things are not quite as easy (A.K.A. Earth).

The male roles in both stories are caring, but it is debatable that the man from The World on the Turtle's Back is tired of the females commands and pushes her from Skyworld. Adam doesn't influence Eve to eat the apple.

Both of these stories have a sacred tree which no one is supposed to interact with. Yet in both stories both lead female roles do just that.

Both stories explain the creation of the seas, skies, moon, sun, plants, and animals.

right hand:Very realistic, means what he says, did what seemed right and reasonable
left hand: never meant what he said, always lied, did things backward, always made it look like he was doing the opposite.

They honor both because they both created the animals and plants. They honor the right handed twin less because he killed his brother and grandmother. The honor the left handed twin less because he was devious and looked at as the evil twin.

Creation of animals, creation of plants, creation of land masses, sun and moon origin. How humans came to earth.

Very respectful and gracious about all aspects of nature.
They see them as equals that have been honored enough to have a story.
They give rituals to honor both left and right handed twins.
They see good and evil as merely a couple of brothers that have their quarrels.

Yes. The world created in this story is a perfect habitat for all creatures. The people can be easily reminded of why their here because of the polar opposite brothers with their creations and characteristics.

1 comment:

  1. Some good answers here. I particularly like your comparisons/contrasts in question 4.
