Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The structure of quatrain poems are very organized in general and easy to understand/recite. Since the rhyme scheme is ABAB, the flow and emphasis on the end word in the stanzas makes the poem sound almost lyrical. Also, each stanza has it's own meaning which is nice because the poem is able to define the separate ideas for an ideal way of living through each individual stanza.

2) To accomplish something and be constantly working on something.
3) Lives of great men influence, inspire, or lay a path for people to follow.  
4) I can assume that the poem was written with an inspirational spirit to help motivation and the poem it self is written with many positive outlooks towards doing something/anything constructively towards your own benefit.
5) I interpret these two lines as follows: "On Earth's surface, which is covered and filled with many hardships and tasks that will show you no mercy, in this temporary state that we all have come to know and define as life"

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