Wednesday, October 23, 2013

PG 397 1-4,7

1) Your personal beliefs and the relationship between the law and citizens
2) Non violently protest it and by not taking part
3) You can be a grunt and be similar to a horse or dog. You could be like a senator or politician and serve with only your head. You could also be a martyr or hero which Thurough supported strongly.
4) Since the government is more thurough it is harder to get away with things like neglecting to pay the government their lump some of money.
7) I'd call him a traitor but he has a non violent way of betraying his country. He neglected to pay taxes while the Mexican American war was in full spirit which is why I'd call him a traitor because that would be considered unpatriotic in his time period. Nowadays it's possible that the majority may rule in favor of Thurough and therefore make him more patriotic.

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