Wednesday, December 11, 2013

History questions

1)   An event dedicating a national cemetery to the battle site.

2)   That the government by the people for the people and of the people does not perish

3)   As president, but he had no authority over the southern states.

4)   The border states that decided not to secede from the union since they wanted to remain more or less neutral between the northern and southern states.

5)   The emancipation proclamation in a way was a cry for help from the African American slaves. Although this proclamation helped the North win the war and also brought the French to their side. 

The Gettysburg address was written a year after the emancipation and was directed at the people of the North as a celebration of the war turning their direction.

6)   The help of allies. He writes the proclamation as a friendly gesture to France. He doesn’t state that it is directly for France but by stating he is anti slavery he has gained the respect of the French.  His focus then shifts to the citizens of the North when he gives the Gettysburg address.
Sense of presidential authority: The Emancipation Proclamation because his actions appealed to another country and to a people, African slaves, in need of an ally.
The urgency of the national crisis; The Gettysburg address because of how he relates to the people. He understands that they are on top so while he has the people’s vote he insures it by telling the people how great their country is.
Lincoln’s personal voice: The Gettysburg address is short and sweet and sometimes that reveals someone’s greatest works. Emily Dickinson for instance showed her work through short detailed poetry and she was commended for it.
The value of freedom: Again, the Gettysburg address labels Lincoln. Lincoln speaks of our country as a thing of beauty. He compares our revolution to the revolution in France and says that since we were established by the people for the people we will be able to pull through. The civil war was just a test of our independence on both sides.

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