Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dickinson and Whitman

They are sharing their love for the glory attained by war. Both Dickinson and Whitman write about the significance of war in America but they seem to have different views on what the important aspects of war are. While Emily writes about the overall victory Whitman is writing about gathering together and rallying for a common cause.

“Success is Counted Sweetest” is the title of one of Emily Dickinson many short poems. The title of her poem helps prove my point that she is writing about the glory of success because it shows the poem is a success story.
“Who took the Flag today” is referring to the purple Hosts’ victory over the defeated. This is also celebrating the glory attained from victory.

Walt Whitman’s poem “Beat! Beat! Drums!” is the essence of glory from victory but preceding actually warfare. Whitman writes about the spirit of war that tends to envelope a nation. This is very similar to the spirit found in World War II in the sense that it followed a depression and gave many jobs to women and men.  Since the citizens were happy they, as a nation, became a single unit. Whitman’s poem speaks about what must be done in order to gain success from war. That of course is for everyone to drop everything and focus on attaining the glory that is within their grasp.

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