Monday, November 25, 2013

S.L. chp. 14


Hester and the Physician

This chapter title is a comparison to Hester and Roger's progress over the course of seven years. Hester started off as a force of evil at the beginning of the book while Roger was upheld because he's a medicine man. The two have swapped positions. Hester has now become a major help to society to such an extent that they would gladly allow her to remove her patch. I'm not saying they'd completely forget what she did but she has definitely proven herself a good Samaritan to the Puritans. Roger has sunk low. A doctor is supposed to cure not kill yet Roger has developed this mentality through the idea of revenge. Revenge has altered and named him the new force of evil.

Perhaps Roger is still curing the situation. Dimmesdale is adamant about keeping his secret to the point of death. So maybe the only way that they could get it out of him was by putting him through immense guilt, forcing Roger to take matters into his own hands and retrieve the truth from the depths of hell.

1 comment:

  1. Zack - so far this is a good list of dialectical journal entries. Do you have an idea about what you are going to write about? You might email me the topic.
