Friday, November 15, 2013

Chp. 6 S.L.


One day, as her mother stooped over the cradle,  the infants eyes had been caught by the glimmering of the gold embroidery about the letter; and putting up her little hand, she grasped at it, smiling, not doubtfully, but with a decided gleam that gave her face the look of a much older child

And a rebel is born! Pearl has chosen what she thinks she likes and that is whatever her mother likes. Since she is raised with only her mother she is her biggest influence. Hester believes that she is doing right and maintains confidence. Little does she know that her handy fancy needle work will be a major symbol in Pearl's life. Along with the color red.

Hester does notice the Pearl's enamor towards her letter but cannot see the possible effects of her exposure this early in the story.

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