Tuesday, November 12, 2013

S.L. chp. 1

Nature vs Society

So the Puritans are afraid of the woods. Trees were and are still a very large part of this planets natural habitat. Would they of ever thought they were living in a world of sin?

Puritans believe that Satan lives in the woods so they obviously are, at this time, pro society. Hester is compared to a rose in the first two chapters by her red letter A and the rose by the prison door. She is obviously a symbol of nature and the same with Pearl. In a way nature is placed in a rebellious view by the Puritans through Hester and the establishment of society. Of course there is nothing that nature can do about this, but Hester has the same problem. It may be because she's a single woman with a child, or because there is no other nearby civilizations nearby. Perhaps she wants to be around the priest or maybe Dr. Chillingsworth. What I know is that she has three options that provide opportunity. She could move to another settlment, maybe Plymouth. She could take a chance and try to be accepted by the natives. Last but not least she could go back to Europe.

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