Thursday, September 12, 2013


1. The starving time was when half of the 100 pilgrims that sailed to Plymouth Rock died of sickness (Scurvy).
2. Squanto was the Pilgrims native interpreter who had learned English from the Eastern shores
3. They brought their tools back, shared food, became allies with the Pilgrims,
5. Prospects for survival; The pilgrims really put all of their faith for survival into the hands of god mid winter on the account that many people were dying from the cold and from scurvy.
    Impressions of native americans; The natives were viewed as beasts and savages by the Pilgrims until Squanto spoke rough English to the pilgrims. He was then viewed as a blessing from god.
    Attitude towards region; The new land was untamed and the woods were seen as a place for witchcraft and satanic worship.
    Sense of providence; This was the only thing they had during these times! Providence was such a strong reason to push on through the first winter. It was the main reason they left Britain in the first place so really did hold their faith to god firmly.
6. The organized form that this story was written in could be lost if Bradford had blabbed about how hungry he was, how little some people were working compared to others, or how pesky he thought those natives were in the beginning.
7. The last rule states that the natives must leave their bows and arrows when entering the Pilgrims camp.  This is a little unequal but the compromise comes with the fifth rule, which tells the Pilgrims to instead of creating conflict with other native tribes, let the Wampanoag see if they could compromise.

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