Wednesday, September 18, 2013

questions 1-3, 5

1. The threat of god sending them to hell in the afterlife.
2. They must spend their entire lives trying to win over god's merciless vengeance through praying and committing themselves to their church.
3. He compares his audience to a spider and god to a normal human. He does this to explain how powerful god is.
5. Fear is his main method of Pathos in his sermon. He uses fear to put his audiences mind into a frantic worried state of mind. His audience reacts just as assumed they would because he also quotes the Bible. During this time the Bible was a piece of literature that was forced to be believed so how could they be not frightened by the words of Johnathan Edwards. When a priest tells you that the only reason you woke up this morning and didn't die in your sleep was because god put you on a pedestal, you immediately feel lucky. When an accusation like, you have offended him infinitely, is placed before that previous sentence you feel blessed and thankful to be reassured by the priest himself that your safe from wrath.

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