Monday, September 30, 2013

T Paine

He brings up an opinion from a tori that he claims to have observed in which the tori would prefer to have these times happen to him rather than his children. This really pulled those heart strings for all fathers in that time and also was a little bit of an ethical statement especially since the speaker was a tori.

Paine makes his first ethical statement concerning slavery amongst white colonist folk which is his audience. He does so by stating the quote from Britain herself to the colonies, "to bind us in all cases whatsoever," and follows up by saying if that's not slavery then slavery is non existent. Between lines 88 and 97 he just degrades the idea of even being a tori. The toris of course want the colonists to give up themselves and their weapons. Paine says this is a bad idea because then the back states would be prone to native invasion. Very good reasoning since Thomas knows the natives are quite well armed.

Paine states that the King is feeling too much power and has relinquished the colonies over to the hands of the devil. This alone would persuade the people of that time to hate the King since most were religious. He then gains more respect from the people by saying it is wrong of the King to look to god for help against the growing rebellion and follows up by comparing him to a common murderer.
Paine attempts to rally men for a call to arms and bribes them with unguranteed victory in the midst of winter on line 48. He later makes a statement describing his favorite kind of man and since people have some respect for Thomas Paine then this alone is considered persuasion by association because who really wouldn't want to have the ideal characteristics of a good soldier.


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