Monday, November 11, 2013

Chp.7 S.L.


"NO, my little Pearl!" "Though must gather thine own sunshine. I have non to give thee!"

This directly relates to Nature vs society and the idea that Hester is a crimson rose while Pearl is still a budding flower. Since Pearl is a young flower what she needs in order to grow is sunlight. Another view on this situation is what the sunlight was shining on. Since the light is on the front of the large bright house, she may be drawn towards possibly being in a new home or the idea of power and money. Why power and money? Because that's what buys big houses and everybody wants what they can or don't have.

Or power and money is wrong. Perhaps Pearl wants what comes before a house. Maybe a stable life with a father or what is to come later which would be a husband.

1 comment:

  1. Do you really think it's power and money that attracts Pearl? Rethink this.
