Saturday, November 23, 2013

S.L. chp. 14


"A woman must needs follow her own fancy, touching the adornment of her person. The letter is gayly embroidered, and shows right bravely on your bosom!"

Roger is making a friendly comment about Hester's letter. He says that she has not become the letter she wears but instead the letter has become a symbol of her. Her fancy is of course sewing/embroidering and she has shown that through the needle work upon her scarlet letter. Chillingsworth states that the letter was gayly(happily) embroidered which is what Hester feels when she does what she likes. The word bravely makes me think back to the beginning of the book when she was on the scaffold and brave she had to be. The bright letter could've been taken by the civilians as a sort of taunt but instead took envy in her needle work. The moral is, believe in yourself and follow your heart.

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