Saturday, November 16, 2013

S.L. chpt. 8


"Pearl? ---Ruby, rather!-----or Coral!--- or Red Rose at the very least judging from thy hue!"

Mr. Wilson retorts to Pearls previous outburst with the quote above. He directly relates her to the rose bush from the first chapter which is also a key symbol of the theme nature vs society. In the opinion of Mr. Wilson Red Rose, is a suggested name for Pearl since he feels Pearl is not a suitable name for a demonic child. Pearls are of course small shiny cream/white jewels held beloved by many. They are created by sea creatures called clams. I'm saying this because they are produced by an animal that is practically inanimate. A creature that does nothing and in a way is pure. The rose is a plant that depends on season and weather. Also they can be unpleasant if stuck with one of their thorns.

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