Saturday, November 16, 2013

S.L. Chpt 8


"I am mother's child," answered the scarlet vision, "and my name is Pearl!'

Pearl yells at the old minister, Mr. Wilson, which is only natural for  her now. After being called a naughty elf or fairy she is referred to by Hawthorn as a scarlet vision.

"An experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition"

This is the definition for vision in this situation and it strikes me a little. Hawthorne in a way is going back to his Puritan roots by referring to her in such a way. It may be that Hawthorn is just viewing Pearl in the perspective of Mr. Wilson. 

When Pearl yells, "I am mother's child," it has been made official that she is becoming or at least wants to become exactly like her mother.

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