Wednesday, November 20, 2013

S.L. chp. 12


The minister felt for the childs other hand, and took it. The moment that he did so, there what seemed a tumultuous rush of new life, other life than his own, pouring like a torrent into his heart, and hurrying through all his veins, as if the mother and the child were communicating their vital warmth to his half torpid system. The three formed an electric chain.

Dimmesdale is feeling something that is foreign to him, but we can tell that he is alarmed by it because of how startled he is. This rush of new life flows into his heart which is what he clutches from guilt. This connection could have healed him in a way since he has never really been with his new family. He is so affected by this that he claims they are like an electric chain. I think he has found love, but only a family's love.

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